More customers at your ?
We organize dates everyday and are looking for partners throughout the country.
Become a Breeze partner
Our partners have hosted 352471 dates
Breeze is not a standard dating app. Once people have a match, they skip the chat and we immediately arrange their date. This means we decide where they meet each other. This could be your bar, cafe or restaurant too!
How does it work?
Once users planned their date in our app, we get to work! We’ll plan these dates whenever it suits you. There is no monthly fee, and you can start and stop straight away.

What’s in it for you?
More customers
You can expect up to 20 dates per week, depending on your preferences.
Loyal customers
68% of our daters are inclined to come back if they had a good experience.
Brand awareness
More than 75% of our daters tell people where they date.
Request more information
Interested in becoming a Breeze partner? Let us know how we can reach you. We’ll get back to you within 2 days with more information.

Want to host Breeze dates as well?
We’re always looking for cool, fun or romantic places where we can send our users on their first date. Contact us and we’ll make it work!
Request more information